Transparent lithium disilicate for adhesive conditioning of zirconium oxide
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elaboro LiSi CONDITIONER is used to prepare zirconium oxide for the adhesive bonding of crowns, partial crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, Marylands, veneers etc. No rethinking for the practice staff, very easy to use, suitable for all zirconium oxides and any indication. Thanks to the two possible processing variants, the CONDITIONER finds its home in every practice.
The special features
- The bond between the zirconium oxide restoration and the natural tooth is significantly higher than all previously known bond systems
- The practice team works according to an established bonding protocol and does not have to learn the ropes again
- is extremely easy to use, saves time and provides secure bonding results
- Our customers confirm to us that they regularly supply 60-70 uses
- Significantly expands the range of indications for zirconium oxide restorations
The application
The elaboro LiSi Conditioner is used to prepare zirconium oxide for adhesive bonding.
The surface conditioning takes place directly after sinter firing and fitting of the zirconium oxide framework. The product is applied very thinly during the preparation process with a short spray, just enough for the adhesive surface to turn pink. After firing at 910-920°C, the adhesive surface is microfinely glazed with lithium silicate.
The coating, which is only 3-5 µm fine, guarantees that all adjusted fits are maintained. This can now be checked in the mouth like a conventional glass ceramic and corrected if necessary. The veneer surface can then be customized as desired. After the bite check, the final cleaning takes place with hot steam and drying with an air jet.
For the final adhesive integration, the adhesive surface is etched with dental hydrofluoric acid derivatives. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions, but we recommend limiting the etching time to around 3 minutes. to extend.
You will not see a familiar etching pattern now; the surface will even appear visually smoother. This is because the etching process creates a microfine structure.
After etching, the primer can be applied directly according to the manufacturer's instructions. After hardening, it forms a strong bond to the zirconium oxide. Further bonding is then carried out with dual-curing composite according to the manufacturer's specifications.
First of all, zirconia has poor wettability. Simply cleaning the surface with light corundum blasting is not enough. It should also be modified. Various measures such as silicating, hard corundum blasting, laser bombardment, burning of glass solders, plasma pre-treatment, etc. all have one goal in mind,
• to maximize the active surface for the “glue” and
• reduce the surface tension of the zirconium oxide
In order to achieve this, LiSI CONDITIONER changes the structure of the zirconium oxide boundary layer during ceramic firing. After blasting with fine corundum or etching with acids, a uniform micro-roughness remains as the ideal prerequisite for direct bonding of zirconium oxide. Peaks and valleys are therefore not lost.
We recommend using a paste with 5-8% hydrofluoric acid; this should work for at least 2, preferably 3 minutes. Neutralization and cleaning according to manufacturer specifications. Don't let the surface, which may still be shiny, confuse you.
As long as they etch as described in question 2, you've done everything right. To the naked eye the surface often appears very smooth, but microscopic craters have formed which are responsible for the strong holding forces.
In most cases there was biological contamination of the glazed surface after conditioning. This means: A try-in takes place AFTER the conditioner is applied, but BEFORE the glazed surface is conditioned by etching or microblasting.
If the glazed surface comes into contact with saliva again after conditioning, protein bonds become embedded in the glass matrix and the adhesive cannot adhere properly. These embedded protein bonds cannot be removed using steam jets; the glass ceramic must be blasted again and reapplied.
If biological contamination can be ruled out, the next step is to check the firing process: for example, whether the ceramic oven reaches the required 890°C, whether the vacuum is set at a maximum of 30%, etc., see the firing instructions in the operating instructions.
Other causes may lie in processing:
Was the etching time of 3 minutes followed?
Was enough powder applied? If you apply too little, smaller pores can be seen
Was the zirconium surface free of grease, dust, etc. before powder application?
If you still cannot explain the cause, please contact us using our contact page.

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